Sunday, November 1, 2009

Web Design 2 : Final Project - Yong Sheng

Just finish my web design 2 project - to redesign a commercial site.

click here to browse the site or

This is not a complete site.

Target Audince :
- Age : 20 - 39
- People who stay overseas / far away from home

User Testing Q&A
1. How do you find the website user friendly?
- Yes
- No (to question 2)
- Others : _______________________________________

2. Why it is not user friendly?
- ____________________________

3. Can this website identify its own company?
- Yes
- No
- Kinda
- Others : _______________________________________

4. Can you understand the navigation buttons?
- Can
- No
- kinda
- Others : _______________________________________

5. Can you understand what is this website aabot?
- Yes, please tell me about it________________________________________
- No
- kinda?
- Others : _______________________________________

6. How is the position of the navigation?
- Yes
- No
- Kinda
- Others : _______________________________________

7. Can you find out more about the product?
- Yes,
- No,___________________________________________
- Maybe?
- Others : _______________________________________

8. Lets say you want to go to the "Cherrie & Lychee" page, can you find it easily?
- Yes
- No : ___________________________
- Kinda.
- Other : _______________________

9. Do you find the shipping information useful?
- Yes
- No
- Where is it?
- Other :_________________________

8.Will you suggest people to view my site?
- Yes,
- No,___________________________________________
- Maybe?
- Others : _______________________________________

9. Will you visit my site again?
- Yes
- No.
- Other : ____________

1o. Does the website load fast?
- Yes
- No
- Other : ______________
11. Compared to their current site (here), which website looks better?
- Mine
- Theirs
- Mine

12.How would you rate this site?
- *****
- ****
- ***
- **
- *
- Others : _______________________________________

13.How do you feel about this site?
Comments, question, suggestions : ___________________________________________________

14. Your age, and gender : ___________________

15. Are you far away from home?
- Yes
- No

Thanks a lot!!!!